Thursday, May 29, 2008

Wow. It's been nearly a month since I wrote last. Now, the kids are out of school and we're trying to kickstart our summer schedule so it won't all be filled with video games and wandering around saying "I'm bored". Florence took her first hike up Hole-in-the-Rock. I did the climbing, of course, while she rode in the Baby Bjorn, but I think she enjoyed the view. She has also started eating "real food" - and by that I mean, rice cereal. She acted as if she'd been waiting for it her whole life. She gagged a few times, but otherwise really seemed to manage to get the food to the back of her mouth and down her throat with little trouble. We'll starting adding bananas today.

Florence goes back to the plastic surgeon next week for a checkup. She really is looking good. The swelling continues to go down and now you can start to see the shape of her forehead. If you look closely, you can see a piece of "hardware" sticking out in the middle of her right side. There's also a slight ridge - I'll feel better once the Doctor has a look at her. You know, if God gives you a bumpy head, it's easy to accept. But if you pay big money for one, it's another story alltogether!! Her eyes still look a little puffy - it's so hard to know if this is how she's going to look or if she will continue to change.

We continue to make plans for our trip back east for the summer. We leave for Alabama on July 2 to see dad's family and then up to DC to spend time with mom's family. My dad has surgery on June 4 for prostate cancer, so my mom wanted him to have a good six weeks of recovery before we showed up with all the kids in tow. We're praying hard for my dad's surgery - we take a small bit of comfort in knowing he really doesn't have a choice. Please keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

3 weeks

To look at Florence, you can hardly tell anything has happened. I had bought some cute little headbands when I envisioned I would be hiding a serious scar until her hair came in around age 2. However, you really have to stare at her to see anything. Her hair is already starting to grow in - she had stubble where they shaved her for the surgery. The swelling continues to go down, though it's hard to tell that there's really any left - only those that know her the best can still see it (at least I hope that it's swelling - I would hate for her grandfather to remark on her "basketball head" forever). She does occasionally have crying jags where I wonder if she has any pain left, but I'm pretty sure she is also teething, so it might be that. Of course, I still worry that everything is ok in there, and I get nervous as she works on sitting up or when she has floor playtime and older brother runs toys and small furniture over her. But I suppose this worry is normal even for a baby that hasn't had major surgery.