To look at Florence, you can hardly tell anything has happened. I had bought some cute little headbands when I envisioned I would be hiding a serious scar until her hair came in around age 2. However, you really have to stare at her to see anything. Her hair is already starting to grow in - she had stubble where they shaved her for the surgery. The swelling continues to go down, though it's hard to tell that there's really any left - only those that know her the best can still see it (at least I hope that it's swelling - I would hate for her grandfather to remark on her "basketball head" forever). She does occasionally have crying jags where I wonder if she has any pain left, but I'm pretty sure she is also teething, so it might be that. Of
course, I still worry that everything is ok in there, and I get nervous as she works on sitting up or when she has floor playtime and older brother runs toys and small furniture over her. But I suppose this worry is normal even for a baby that hasn't had major surgery.

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