I started this page in to chronicle Florence's journey through her surgery for Metopic Craniosynostosis. I found when searching for information on the internet that people's personal stories were the most helpful to me when making my decision. I want to be a source for any other parent facing this condition. Florence's complete story can be found in the older posts, particularly the ones from April of 2008. Thanks for visiting!!!
School has started – we’re approaching week 5, believe it or not. I breathe a huge sigh of relief at now only having two kids at home to care for, at the same time shedding a tear that the only two capable of real conversation or game playing have left. Every week, I have tried to fine tune our schedule so that we are not frantically trying to get somewhere on time all the time, but the bottom line is that with four kids each doing their own thing, until one of them learns to drive, my life is just going to be crazy. We are still easing our way into the school year, adding a new event each week…so far so good.
Charlie is in 3rd grade this year. We celebrated his 9th birthday at Ginny’s house – having an August birthday continues to be a bonus when you have a relative with a pool, and Ginny has been so generous to host us. She has even offered to invite some of his school friends, but at 9, inviting his friends would mean inviting their parents and between our family, Ginny’s family and Eileen’s family, we feel like he is properly celebrated without adding any extras. I made his birthday cake this year – yet another video game theme (third year running) though I returned to a homemade cake this year, inspired by Kathleen and her homemade petshop cake for Kinneely’s bday. I even made the frosting from scratch, though I had to then make Charlie his own cake since he can’t have butter or milk. I kept it simple, made it colorful and bought Pokemon figurines from Walmart to slap on the top. DONE! He continues to be addicted to video games, and I continue to be unable to control them. But for his birthday this year, I requested all board games. He loves the game of LIFE and will even shut himself up in his room (small pieces just begging for
Lucy is in first grade this year. She started to learn to read last year in Kindergarten, but has really crossed a line this year from sounding out words to reading sentences. I remember this from Charlie’s 1st grade year. It’s like, one week they can’t read, the next week they can. She’s still slow, but every day she reads a book to Alex and he is minimally patient with this. We’ve started back to gymnastics. She is older and more experienced than most of the kids in her class, but I wanted her to start slow so she could get back into shape after taking the summer off. After the Olympics, she was bound and determined to become an Olympic gymnast; however, she is not the type to put in the work required, so we just are back to going for fun. She will, hopefully, move up to a more advanced class soon. She is fun to watch at school, such a social butterfly with a slightly bully edge. In other words, she holds hands with her little girlfriend on the playground, but mostly so she can yank her around where SHE wants to go. And the first week of school, I had to talk to her about being sensitive to others’ feelings when she and her friend took a “vote” about whether or not a new girl could join their group. Shouldn’t I have another few years before I have to deal with that? At home, she’s starting to do more around the house. She loves to wash dishes and she cooks her own eggs for breakfast. I try to give her some other cooking things to do if I think she can handle it, but she also is good at setting the table and pouring milk. Occasionally, she’s a good babysitter for
Alexander is my favorite little boy ever. Not that he doesn’t have his moments, he can throw a pout like no one I know, but overall he is the sweetest, most accommodating, easiest to get along with kid I’ve ever known. He is addicted to all things Spiderman. In fact, as we speak Tony is with the kids at
take some comfort in knowing that SOMEHOW I got my older kids to sleep through and that SOMEDAY she will too. She is definitely developing her personality. She is actually pretty good to play by herself for short stints and with Alexander. She loves our musical toys and the blocks and she takes great pleasure in destroying whatever someone else might be playing with. She appears to have a good sense of humor – she’s a very smiley baby. I try to take pictures of her, but whenever she sees the camera, she starts crawling quickly toward me – like she already knows she can see herself in the viewfinder after the flash. She loves the water – we’ve taken her swimming at Ginny’s as well as this cool pool that is down near Eileen that has a whirlpool, a kids area, a spray pad, and a lazy river (ok, she hates the lazy river).
Her scar is barely visible these days. You almost have to know to look for it. As for the shape of her head, most people can’t tell anything has happened to her. I still see her little bump on the side of her forehead (where they moved her ridge), but I believe it’s actually becoming smoother. As I spend time on my web support group site and relive it all through their surgeries, I can’t believe we ever went through that – but it’s been five months now.
We’re starting to feel the effects of the fading summer. The weather is noticeably cooler – not quite cool yet, but not in the 110+ level it was this summer. We all went hiking to the top of Hayden’s
We went back to the Plastic Surgeon to get our postop appointment with him. He rubbed her head all over, double checked a few milestons and gave her the ok. We had been concerned about a small bump on her forehead that was sticking out. It looked like a mosquito bite. He assured us that it was just a leftover stitch from her surgery and that it would dissolve soon. In fact, it was so quick, I didn't even really get a chance to take a good picture of it. As the swelling continues to come down, more bumps and unevenness show up, but he reassured us that it would all even out over time. Here's a before/after shot of her head...unfortunately, my photoshop skills aren't great enough to get rid of the shadow in the after. But you can see that the triangulation/egg shape is pretty much gone. You can also see that the scar is just barely visable. Yay!