Friday morning. Just when I think her head couldn't possibly get any bigger. We got visits from our neighbor Tricia again as well as Aunt Eileen. The doctor says that we're well enough to move to the regular floor from the PICU as soon as she has two more doses of lasix (sp?) which they are giving to help reduce the swelling. We're sad to be leaving the personal care and private rooms of the ICU, but relieved that she is doing well enough to no longer need that kind of care. Her eyes are still swollen shut, but she is eating well and just getting Tylenol for pain control. They removed her catheter and her arterial line (in her wrist) today. That left the central line and the O2 monitor on her toe. Oh, and all the stickies that are monitoring her breathing and heart rate. Those were such a pain, beeping the machine every time I picked her up. We didn't move until around 8:00 that night. We moved into a semi-private room with just another 6 month old baby ( no parents with her) and we were so tired. The chair pulled out into a "bed" and that's where I closed my eyes...calling it sleeping would be pushing it. But Florence is doing fantastic.
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