Things are improving slowly but surely. Her eyes are really starting to look open now and I'm sort of pushing her back into her old schedule. She is sleeping really well at night. She is a terrible napper, but she was that way before the surgery. She hasn't been running a fever since we came home from the hospital the second time so that's good. She also hasn't seemed to need the Tylenol either, though we're not deliberately denying it. I'm beginning to see my beautiful baby girl again, though there is no denying that even once the swelling is completely gone, she will look different. That is what we paid the big bucks for. I look back at the before pictures and I feel a little sad at the cutie-patootie we left behind.
Hey Monica! I'm so happy to see that baby Florence is doing much better. We were all worried about her when she had to go back to the hospital and JoAnn Mays reminded me of the blog you set up.
Florence is such a pretty and sweet baby....she's also very blessed to have you and Tony as her parents! We're still praying for her as she recovers. God bless!
Nancy G.
She has such a pretty round head. She's looking so good. I wish we were on the other side now. Well we will just have to wait until June. I'm so glad she is doing so well.
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