Florence's surgery was April 9, 2008. We did pre-op labs the day before which basically included a history and a blood draw. Then we showed up around 11:30 on April 9 to begin our process. After checking in, we met with the anesthesiologist and the neurosurgeon. Our surgery was scheduled for 1:30, but they wound up not even taking her back until about this time. This made our wait difficult since she had not eaten since 9:30 that morning. She did sleep a little while waiting, but also fussed at us when we didn't offer anything to eat. My husband, Tony, was fabulous with her, rocking her to sleep. When it was time to go back, around 1:30, we carried her to the operating room doors, and at that point, they took her from us. She was actually smiling and happy and went willingly with them. Tony and I walked the other way to the waiting room. I cried a little, but actually felt pretty at peace about the whole thing. We were able to kill some time trying to figure out where I could pump and also find some lunch. They came to tell us at 3:00 that they were beginning the surgery. Our nurse told us that she would come to update us at 4:00, but not to panic if she didn't. After lunch, Tony did some work on his laptop while I listened to music and read through a prayer book my sister had made especially for me and this day. I even managed to take a small nap. We watched 4:00 come and go, but I told myself that they were probably just finishing up and figured they'd be able to pass that news on shortly. Sure enough, but 5:00, both Dr. Joganic (ps) and Dr. Moss (ns) came out and told us she was finished. They escorted me back to her room while Tony packed up our stuff. She was taken to the PICU where she would do her recovery. Here we were introduced to some of the daytime staff and nurses. I watched from the door while they got her connected to everything. She looked positively normal except for being asleep with a green turban wrapped around her head.

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