Florence Kathleen, my fourth child, was born on November 26, 2007. All three of my other children had arrived a week or so late, having been induced by the doctor. Florence, already trying to set herself apart from the others, arrived a few days early in the middle of the night. Fortunately my mom was still in town from the Thanksgiving holidays and was able to come and stay with my other children while my husband drove me in. In true "rush to the hospital" style, he got pulled over by the cops for running a "no right turn on red" light, but after seeing I was truly in labor, he let us go on. She was a tiny thing, 6 lbs 12 oz., but healthy. She did, while we were in the hospital, have to be under the bilirubin lights, but otherwise she was nursing well and a healthy baby. We came home after two days and she slid right into the family as if she'd always been there.
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